Borscht & a Seagull

Observational Character Study(OCS) -A Short Documentary  2018 | Digital | 5mins  

I remember that she told me she was 90% sure she wasn’t coming to NYU when knowing she got accepted.

It was too expensive.Living in New York is expensive. Studying in NYU is expensive. Making films is expensive.Especially if you still have loans from college to pay.

I asked her why and how she decided, how she made this difficult decision.She said one night, she had a long talk with her grandma, a person she loves. And that conversation changed her mind.

I don’t know what exactly the conversation was. But I know, during the talk, her grandma encouraged her to take this chance.She made this difficult decision.

She is talented.
I like her as a person, a friend and as a crew member. We usually be in each other’s auditions cuz I think we both share some kind of shyness to strangers and looking for the similar qualities from actors and value each other’s opinions.

So, I was curious, what would the person she love, the person who affects her a lot looks like?

This trip to Maine means a lot to me. My first time visiting and staying with an American family. I love their interaction, like friends, instead of an adult and a kid. And, I could make a film I believe is meaningful.

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