《花火灰》The Ashes of A Spark |2021 | 20m57s | Director& Writer

《花火灰》The Ashes of A Spark

A young man, with the help of a social worker, nervously arrives at an ironworks factory to start his new job in society. He holds nothing back, eager to grow and perform, but inadvertently causes trouble for those around him, dealing a heavy blow to his expectations of himself. This film portrays the slices of the character's life in each moment, ultimately conveying a quiet message: a struggling person should have the opportunity to continue believing in themselves, and that turning point comes when their vulnerability is finally understood.

一個青年在社工的協助下,忐忑的到鐵工廠,開始他入社會的新工作。他毫無保留,急於成長與表現,然而卻又不小心給了身邊的人造成麻煩,重擊他對自己的期望。 本片藉由呈現角色每一個時刻的生活切面,最後默默道出:一個掙扎的人,應該要有繼續相信自己的機會,而那個契機,來自於自己的脆弱終被理解。

出品:新故事運動有限公司 | 演員:洪德高、陳又瑄、吳宏修、孫明宇、胡智強、吳承晏 | 製片:王苡禎製片助理:黃覺慧 | 編劇:林宗諺 | 導演:林宗諺 | 副導:巫虹儀 | 場記:黃子庭 | 攝影:洪綸陽 | 攝助:林依頻 | 燈光:楊鈺銘 | 燈助:陳煒傑 張星培 | 美術:林倩伃 | 造型:高曼瑄 | 收音:富田愛子 | 收音助理:陳姿彤 | 調光:李閔哲 | 剪接:林宗諺 | 聲音後期:萬事屋影像制作聲音 | 後期專案經理:周采葳 | 對白剪輯:林延融 | 音效剪輯:林延融 | 混音:林延融

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